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About Us

What we do

Organize and operate youth and adult mentors, after-school activities i.e. study tables, HIV/AIDS testing and referrals to combat communicable diseases, improve educational outcomes , reduce juvenile delinquency and adult criminal behavior(s) as well as, provide youth and adults within the 20th Judicial Circuit area with the opportunity to participate in organized activities under proper guidance and to teach such youth and young adults the principles necessary to have and maintain a good life with education being the fundamental principle that can assist with providing the elements of sound physical/mental conditioning to improve the lives within those under-served areas.

Our Mission

To provide and educate the community for the improvement of individuals and families and the betterment of the community as a whole.

About the Founder

There were needs within the surrounding communities that were still going unmet due to financial issues, homelessness or the lack of knowledge about resources within the area. These were the individuals who (for all intents and purposes) fell and continue to fall through the cracks within society. There was the sense of hopelessness due to the absence of help for these individuals that allowed most of them to think about giving up with some giving up. Companies are formed to provide services to communities with the primary purpose of companies being to make a profit. Too many free services will send a company out of business which is opposite of their mission and vision statement(s). Providing quality free or income based services are something that was and continues to be the goal of Major Impact Support Services.