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Our Programs are here to serve our community

Major Impact has been in existence for over 8 years, Major Impact Support Services is another branch of Major Impact that is seeking to improve communities by allowing access by those individuals who lack the resources necessary to live productive lives. Major Impact Support Services will be providing services to and within communities that have been and continue to be under-served Major Impact Support Services looks to provide education i.e. parenting, substance abuse, mental health counseling and anger redirection to those in communities who are unable to afford these services. Major Impact Support Services will also be providing case management for those individuals and families looking to find area resources to assist with their daily living.


To ensure that everyone has access to community resources regardless of social status, race, gender or ethnicity. Help individual who are a part of families become the cornerstone of their communities.


Major Impact offers three different styles of Parenting Classes/Programs that work with men, woman, and couples who are looking to reunify and/or strengthen their relationship with their children.
  • Marriage and Parenting: This is a 10 week program for couples dealing with issues related to child rearing. The program addresses communication styles, family upbringing and family dynamics that factor into raising a healthy child/children.
  • Nurturing Father’s Program: This is a 13 week program designated for men/males that are looking to establish a relationship with their children. The program has been provided in the Department Of Corrections population to assist men returning to society and their families with not commanding/demanding too much from their children and their mothers’
  • Nurturing Parenting Program: This is a 15 week program that provides alternatives to child rearing that also involves observation(s) of parent and child to understand the dynamics of their relationship. This program works to improve the relationship with both parent and child. This is a program that provides alternatives to “spanking” that are just as effective and does not enforce “blind-obedience” from the child.
  • Substance abuse

    Our services include Substance Abuse classes that handle Drug and DUI charges. We are a provider for Probation (State and County), Pre-Trial, and Safety Council. We also provide services for Lutheran Services and Children’s Network.

    Major Impact also services our client’s with drug screens needed for any DCF, Probation, Pre-Trial, or Safety Council. If you are a client completing Substance Abuse classes the random drug screens are included in the cost of your sessions after your 1st (1on1) session unless the specimen will need to be sent to the lab, then the cost of the lab will be at the client’s expense.

    HIV/AIDS Counseling and Testing

    Teaching safe sex as well as statistics regarding the age and gender relating to the progression of virus. New medications that are available to assist with life stability as well as agencies that assist with medication(s)

    Study Tables

    Assist area youth/teens with comprehension and improvement of academics through tutoring and bringing study materials that will help grow skills

    Case management services

    Help people with a large variety of issues. They assist both individuals and families in coping with complex physical or mental and find the most effective treatment possible, so that their clients can live a long and happy life. Assess, evaluate, Monitor, Link

    Anger Redirection Classes

    Anger, jealousy and the physical act that brings with it injuries had been one of the more impactful crimes that have devastated many individuals and families as a result of oftentimes unhealthy manner in which many individuals and families, assisting with resolving highly stressful and frustrating issues in healthier way. Major Impact will work with the courts as well as individuals and families.

    Learn how perception and beliefs affect behaviors, which ultimately dictates reactions to upsetting situations and/or events. Learn alternative behaviors that can be implemented to reduce the thinking errors that are prevalent in most of the conflicts that individuals find themselves involved in.


    Anti Theft Class

    Petit theft has been an issue that has adversely affected our economy with results in Billions of dollars lost due to this unhealthy behavior that is passed on to the consumer annually. Major Impact addresses this issue to advise individuals who’ve been court ordered to treated due to this behavior to alternatives to getting their needs met.

    This is a court mandated 4-hour course.